B. inggris CULTURE IN ISLAM Islam laid a great deal of stress on educational aspect from beginning, because of its importance in the life of human beings. The first verses of the Holy Qur'an which were revealed ordered the prophet to read. They say "Read, in the name of the Lord, who created Created man from a cloth of congealed blood Read ! and the Lord is most bountiful. He who taught the use of the pen. Taught man that which he knew not." This leads us to understand that muslims should gain as much knowledge as they can, because the Holy Qur'an also considers knowledge as light and ignorance as darkness and considers the knowledgeable man as a live man and the ignorant man as dead man and that those who have knowledge fear God most For Allah says : "Those truly fear God Among His servants, who have knowledge." "The blink and the seeing Are not a like. Nor are the depths Or darkness and the Light." There are many saying of the prophet which encourage Muslims to seek from the beginning of their lives until the end, and which also consider knowledge as the way which leads to Paradise. First he said : "Seek knowledge from the womb to the grave," and be also said : "Whoever sets foot on their way : to knowledge, Allah directs him to the way to Paradise." Once the prophet entered the mosque, and found two groups of Muslims sitting there, One of them was occupied in contemplation of God, and the others were studying. He joined the group of those who were studying and this was a sign that he appreciated their way and encouraged Muslims to seek knowledge by any means. In another Hadith he said "The angels spread down their wings in appreciation for the seeker of knowledge." The prophet not only gave verbal encouragement to people to seek knowledge but took every chance to provide opportunities for a large number of people learn to read and write, as this is a way to knowledge. This in clearly illustrated after the Battle of Badr, when the Muslims took a number of prisoners from the Quraysh in the battle. Some of them were literate. The ransom of those who could read and write was that they should teach Muslim children to read and write. When you read the Holy Qur'an you will find many verses urging Muslim to study what they see around them on earth and in the sky, and to use these things for the benefit of Muslim society. They cannot use them correctly unless they have some knowledge, and knowledge people are of high rank in the sight of God for the Holy Qur'an says "Those who know and those who do not know cannot be regarded as equal." The Muslim people understand clearly the approach of Islam toward education. Therefore they started to gain knowledge, taking the guidance of the Holy Qur'an as a light to show the right way. And therefore they established Islamic civilization which prevailed throughout most of the world, and gave human beings the benefit which they got from the teaching of the Holy Qur'an, and the history of Islam is full of famous Muslim thinkers in every branch of knowledge : philosophy, law, science, astronomy and art.question!1. What are the function of the world around us, and what should Muslims do in this respect?bantu jawab ya kristamuellerulv – March 05, 2023
Matematika 1. Persamaan garis singgung di titik (-3, -4) pada lingkaran [tex]x^{2} +y^{2}=25[/tex] adalah ... 2. Salah satu persamaan garis singgung di titik berabsis 2 pada lingkaran [tex]x^{2} +y^{2}-12x+6y+20=0[/tex] adalah ... 3. Persamaan garis singgung lingkaran [tex]x^{2}+y^{2}-6x+4y-12=0[/tex] di titik (7, -5) adalah ... 4. Salah satu persamaan garis singgung pada lingkaran [tex](x-2)^{2}+(y+1)^{2}=25[/tex] di titik yang berordinat 3 adalah 5. Persamaan garis singgung di titik (k, 1) pada lingkaran [tex]x^{2}+y^{2}-6x+2y+6=0[/tex] adalah y = 1. Nilai k yang memenuhi adalah ... kristamuellerulv – March 04, 2023
Fisika Perhatikan ciri-ciri di bawah ini. 1. Besarnya berubah-ubah secara periodik terhadap waktu. 2. Arahnya berubah-ubah tidak bergantung waktu. 3. Dapat mengalir dalam dua arah. 4. Dihasilkan oleh kutub positif dan kutub negatif baterai. 5. Dihasilkan melalui peristiwa induksi elektromagnetik. Ciri-ciri yang dimiliki oleh arus bolak-balik ditunjukkan oleh nomor .... kristamuellerulv – March 04, 2023
B. Indonesia Mengapa pancasila yang merupakan dasar negara republik indonesia memiliki makna dan nilai-nilai luhur dalam setiap sila-silanya kristamuellerulv – February 06, 2023
Ujian Nasional Polisi lalu lintas menilang para pengendara sepeda motor yang tidak menggunakan helm. hal ini termasuk cara mengatasi pengingkaran kewajiban warga negara, yaitu .... kristamuellerulv – February 05, 2023
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